Friday, June 19, 2015

Kari Display Font Family

Kari Display Font Family | 8 x TTF and OTF

Kari Display is the product of a long standing idea I had to give the well-received Positype
typeface, Kari, plastic surgery. Just referring to giving a typeface plastic surgery, or letter
lipo, stuck in the back of my head until I was able to pick the project up. The ultimate objective was to refine Kari Display to a point where each glyph was expressed as  simple as possible… and in that simplicity a sexiness would appear. Kari is a beautiful script, but  it is very ‘controlled’ and orderly and I wanted Kari Display to break thatmold with much more movement, curviness, greater modulation and a more elegant feel on the page. I did not want to take
it too far, limiting the use of the typeface, but rather opted for a delicate balance of thick and
thin against the added movement of the glyphs.


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